For an unforgettable stay
Free Wi-Fi service throughout the property
Charging stations
Electric car and bike charging station
Shuttle service (available upon request, for a fee)
Meeting/Banquet room
Rooms and facilities accessible to guests with disabilities
Free parking available in the square in front of the hotel
Laundry service
Laundry service (for a fee)
On-site bike repair workshop
Free luggage and bike storage
Not allowed
Smoke free
Hotel is completely smoke-free
Available throughout the property
For your events
Meeting room
The meeting room is equipped with technological and functional amenities such as:
- Speaker’s table with 4/6 seats
- Capacity for approximately 50 people
- Free Wi-Fi
- 90″ SMART TV with PC connection capabilities
- Audio-visual system and microphones
- Reception and assistance services
Upon request, we can arrange coffee breaks, buffet refreshments, lunches, and dinners at the Restaurant La Teca. Hotel Monteverde will be pleased to work with you to ensure the success of your event, whether you need hostesses, airport transfers, taxi service, translators, photographers, or specialized technicians.
La Teca
The restaurant is located in a large winter garden with a completely glass ceiling and walls that give a warm natural light to the interior spaces characterized by vintage references in contrast with the modern architecture.
It is precisely from this room/garden, ideally like a large glass case that encloses and protects important things, that the name of the restaurant “LA TECA” was born.